also use this option to select a line to use. This
option can be used when line quality differs or
when you have difficulty placing a call because
of busy lines.
To use line switching, go to the Settings > Call
Settings > Line Switching. Press the Enter
key, select the line switching option, then press
Enter or the left soft key to confirm.
Call Time Reminder
Use this feature if you want to limit the length
of your calls. After the time limit specified, your
phone sounds a reminder for you.
To set a call time reminder:
1. Go to Settings > Call Settings > Call
Time Reminder.
2. Select Single if you want to use a
reminder just once at a specific time.
Select Periodic if you would like a
reminder at regular intervals. Select Off if
you want to disable this function.
3. A time field appears. Fill in the number of
seconds after which a reminder should
sound, then select OK.
Call Time Display
Use this feature to monitor or keep track of the
length of your calls. When enabled, the screen
displays the time length of your calls.
To enable call time display, go to Settings >
Call Settings > Call Time Display. Select the
Call Time Display option. Use the joystick to
highlight your choice between On and Off, then
press the Enter key to set.
NOTE: Select Calls > Call Time to see records of call times.
For more information about call times and costs, refer to the
section “Call Time/Cost” in the Call chapter of this manual.
Auto Redial
When this feature enabled, the phone
automatically redials the number you called if it
fails to connect when you call the first time.
To activate this feature, go to Settings > Call
Settings > Auto Redial. Use the joystick to
highlight your choice between On and Off, then
press the Enter key to set.
Closed User Group
A closed user group is a service provided by
some service providers that permits network
access by members of the group only. The
Settings > Call Settings > Closed User
Group option enables you to add closed user
groups, edit existing ones, and activate or
deactivate them.
To add a closed user group:
1. Highlight the Closed User Group option,
then press the Enter key.
2. A group list appears. Select an empty
slot, then select Add.
3. A text entry screen appears. Enter the
telephone numbers of group members.
You can also input text if desired.