H a n d s e t M a n a g e r
To download contact information from the phone to the computer:
1. Select a phone location from the dropdown menu. Select Handset or
Memory card, depending on where your contact information is stored.
2. Click the Download icon. The contacts are then downloaded to the
A message appears to tell you if the transfer was successful or
Editing New Contact Entries
Adding a New Contact Entry
1. Click on the New icon, OR
Right click anywhere in the entry area and select New Contact Entry.
2. An Edit Contact Entry window appears. Select whether the contact will
be saved to the handset or the SIM card, and enter information into
the information fields.
Editing a Contact Entry
1. Click a contact entry. The selected entry is highlighted.
2. Click the Edit icon, OR
Right click and select Edit Contact Entry.
3. An Edit Contact Entry window appears. Change the storage location
or enter new information in the fields, then click OK to save.