The Blu-ray ROM Drive allows you to view high denition (HD) videos and other
disc le formats such as DVDs and CDs.
Region Denitions
Region A
North, Central and South American countries, and their territories; Taiwan, Hong
Kong, Macao, Japan, Korea (South and North), South East Asian countries and their
Region B
European, African, and South West Asian countries and their territories; Australia
and New Zealand.
Region C
Central, South Asian, Eastern European countries and their territories; China and
NOTE: Refer to Blu-ray Disc website at www.blu-raydisc.com/en/Technical/FAQs/Blu-
rayDiscforVideo.aspx for more details.
Blu-ray ROM Drive Information
(on selected models)
Internal Modem Compliancy
The Notebook PC with internal modem model complies with JATE (Japan), FCC
(US, Canada, Korea, Taiwan), and CTR21. The internal modem has been approved
in accordance with Council Decision 98/482/EC for pan-European single terminal
connection to the public switched telephone network (PSTN). However due
to dierences between the individual PSTNs provided in dierent countries,
the approval does not, of itself, give an unconditional assurance of successful
operation on every PSTN network termination point. In the event of problems you
should contact your equipment supplier in the rst instance.