same register, causing the USB 1.1 controller to see a connect event and the EHC to
see an ‘electrical’ disconnect event. The UHCI driver and hardware handle the
connection and initialization process from that point on. The EHCI driver and hardware
handle the perceived disconnect.
4. Configure Flag = 1 and an USB 2.0-capable Device is connected
- In this case, the USB 2.0 Controller is the owner of the port before, and remains the
owner after, the connection occurred. The EHCI driver handles the connection and
performs the port reset. After the reset process completes, the EHC hardware has set
the Port Enable bit in the EHC’s PORTSC register. The port is functional at this point.
The USB 1.1 Controller continues to see an unconnected port. – Device Disconnects operation mode
1. Configure Flag = 0 and the device is disconnected
- In this case, the USB 1.1 Controller is the owner of the port both before and after the
disconnection occurred. The EHC never sees a device attached. The UHCI driver
handles disconnection process.
2. Configure Flag = 1 and a USB 1.1-capable Device is disconnected.
- In this case, the USB 1.1 Controller is the owner of the port before the disconnection
occurred. The disconnection is reported by the USB 1.1 Controller and serviced by the
associated UHCI driver. The port-routing logic in the EHC cluster forces the port owner
bit to 0, indicating that the EHC owns the unconnected port.
3. Configure Flag = 1 and an USB 2.0-capable Device is disconnected.
- In this case, the USB 2.0 Controller is the owner of the port before, and remains the
owner after, the disconnection occurs. The EHCI hardware and driver handle the
disconnection process. The USB 1.1 Controller never sees a device attached.
6.3.1 – Devices on SMBUS
On S62F platform, totally there are 3 devices connected to ICH7-M SMBUS. They are Clock
Generator ICS954310, SODIMM0 and SODIMM1. The slave addresses used by each device
are listed in Table 6-5.
Table 6-5 SMBus Devices Slave Address
SMBus Device Slave Address
Clock Generator – ICS954310 D2h
SODIMM0 – SA2,SA1,SA0 (0,0,0) A0h
SODIMM1 – SA2,SA1,SA0 (0,0,1) A2h