Charging the PadFone mini using your PadFone
mini Station
Insert your PadFone mini into your PadFone mini Station to extend battery life
and use the device as a tablet.
NOTE: The PadFone mini Station has its own battery. When the PadFone mini is
inserted into the PadFone mini Station and plugged into a power source, both the
Station and PadFone mini begin to recharge.
PadFone Charging Policy
You can change how the PadFone mini Station charges the battery of the PadFone
mini by selecting a charging mode.
To change the PadFone Charging Policy:
1. Tap
to go to the All apps screen then tap Settings .
2. Tap ASUS customized settings >PadFone Settings>PadFone Charging
3. Tap a preferred mode for charging.
PadFone Charging Modes
Intelligent Mode
• WhenthePadFonemini’sbatteryisgreaterthan90%,thePadFonemini
Station will not charge the PadFone mini.
• Insuspendmode,thePadFoneminiStationwillchargethePadFonemini
when the following conditions are met:
1. IfthePadFonemini’sbatteryislessthan70%.
2. IfthePadFonemini’sbatteryislessthan90%ofthePadFoneminiStation’s
current charge.
• WhenthePadFoneminiisinsertedintothePadFoneminiStationandreaches
IMPORTANT: The PadFone mini Station will stop charging the the PadFone mini’s
current charge.
ASUS Padfone mini E-Manual