Chapter 5: Software supportChapter 5: Software support
Chapter 5: Software supportChapter 5: Software support
Chapter 5: Software support
Smart Jack SettingSmart Jack Setting
Smart Jack SettingSmart Jack Setting
Smart Jack Setting. You can configure the function of the rear panel,
front panel, and digital I/O audio ports from this section. Click the
Jack setting button that corresponds to the port that you want to
Mode SelectionMode Selection
Mode SelectionMode Selection
Mode Selection. This section allows you to set the Speaker Tester or the
Digital Signal Processing (DSP). Click the button to change the audio
Speaker Tester and Audio DSP SettingSpeaker Tester and Audio DSP Setting
Speaker Tester and Audio DSP SettingSpeaker Tester and Audio DSP Setting
Speaker Tester and Audio DSP Setting. You can configure your
speaker setup and the audio DSP settings in this section. Click the
Play Play
Play Play
Play or
Stop Stop
Stop Stop
Stop button to listen to the speakers or click the
Volume Volume
Volume Volume
Volume button to
adjust the speakers’ volume.
Mixer Mixer
Mixer Mixer
Mixer tab allows you to adjust the audio input and the recording
output volume of devices connected to the system rear panel and front
panel audio ports.