
5-30 Chapter 5: BIOS setup
Fan Control [Enabled]
Enable/Disable the control of the system/CPU fan speed by changing the fan
voltage. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Fan Low Temp [45C]
The system fan will switch to the slower speed if the temperature decreases
below this level. Fan Low Temp must be less than Fan High Temp. Configuration
options:[20] [21] [22] [23] [24]...[89]
Temperature Range [26.67C]
Allows you to select Delta temperature to decide smart Fan working slope.
Configuration options: [2C] [2.5C] [3.33C] [4C] [5C] [6.67C] [8C] [10C] [13.33C]
[16C] [20C] [26.67C]...[80C]
FAN1 Full Run Temp [63]
Sets the FAN1 Full Run Temp by keying in a DEC number. Minmum: 0, Maxmum:
CPU Fan Low Voltage [4.0 V]
Select the fan voltage for slower fan speed operation.Configuration options: [3.0V]
[3.5V] [4.0V] [4.5V] [5V]... [10.5V]