28 Chapter 3 Working Inside Your Computer
Opening the Computer
1 Before you open your Mac Pro, shut it down by choosing Apple () > Shut Down.
2 Wait 5 to 10 minutes to allow the computer’s internal components to cool.
3 Touch the metal on the outside of your Mac Pro to discharge any static electricity from
your body.
Important: Always discharge static before you touch any parts or install any
components inside the computer. To avoid generating static, do not walk around the
room until you finish installing the cards, memory, or internal storage device and close
the computer.
Warning: Always shut down your Mac Pro before opening it to avoid damaging its
internal components or the components you want to install. Do not open the
computer or attempt to install items inside it while it is on.
Warning: After shutting down your computer, the internal components can be very
hot. Let the computer cool down before continuing.