Common Settings
Common Settings
In the Settings section, users can customize
their preference setup, such as ringtones,
display settings, date/time or language.
Go to Settings > Phone Settings > Date/
1. Select Set Date/Time and key in with
keypad. Press to confirm.
2. Go to Set Time Zone to locate your home
city or the nearest one and press to
3. Go to Date Format and set a wanted
format--DD.MM.YYYY, MM.DD.YYYY, or
4. Go to Time Format to choose 24-Hour
or 12-Hour.
5. Users have to press to select Show
Date and Show Time in Settings >
Displays Settings > Main Idle Screen
first and the date/time will show up then.
Go to Settings > Phone Settings >
Language to set up the language display.
Go to Settings > Phone Settings > Shortcut.
Selcct an (EMPTY) space and press to
start editing. Choose one function from the
Shortcut List and press to confirm.
Common Settings
Go to Settings > Phone Settings > LED to
start or stop the LEDs, including Mtc LED,
Event LED, Charging LED, Low Battery,
and Normal LED.
Auto Keyboard Lock
This function can prevent users from
misdialing or necessary operation.
1. Go to Settings > Phone Settings > Auto
Keyboard Lock.
2. Select a time interval and press to
Common Settings