Notebook PC E-Manual
Regional notice for Singapore
This ASUS product complies with IDA Standards.
Complies with
IDA Standards
Regional notice for India
This product complies with the “India E-waste (Management and Handling)Rule
2011” and prohibits use of lead, mercury, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated
biphenyls(PBBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in concentrations
exceeding 0.1 % by weight in homogenous materials and 0.01 % by weight
in homogenous materials for cadmium, except for the exemptions listed in
Schedule-II of the Rule.
Notices for removeable batteries
• Riskofexplosionifbatteryisreplacedbyanincorrecttype.
• Thebatteryanditscomponentmustberecycledordisposedofproperly.
Avis concernant les batteries remplaçables
• Labatteriedel’ordinateurportablepeutprésenterunrisqued’incendieou
de brûlure si celle-ci est retirée ou désassemblée.
• Labatterieetsescomposantsdoiventêtrerecyclésdefaçonappropriée.