Rechargeable Battery Recycling Service in
North America
For US and Canada customers, you can
call 1-800-822-8837 (toll-free) for recycling
information of your ASUS products’
rechargeable batteries.
RF Exposure information (SAR) - CE
This device meets the EU requirements (1999/519/EC) on the
limitation of exposure of the general public to electromagnetic
elds by way of health protection.
The limits are part of extensive recommendations for the
protection of the general public. These recommendations
have been developed and checked by independent scientic
organizations through regular and thorough evaluations of
scientic studies. The unit of measurement for the European
For next-to-body operation, this device has been tested and
Standard EN 62311 and EN 62209-2. SAR is measured with the
device directly contacted to the body while transmitting at the
highest certied output power level in all frequency bands of
the mobile device.
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