12 13
System setting Setting range, default in bold
09 1st stage differential
1°F (0.5°C)
1°F to 4°F (0.5°C to 2°C)
10 2nd stage differential
1°F (0.5°C)
1°F to 4°F (0.5°C to 2°C)
11 3rd stage differential (heat pump only)
1°F (0.5°C)
1°F to 4°F (0.5°C to 2°C)
12 Reverse valve (heat pump only)
0 – O/B energized in cooling (O)
1 – O/B energized in heating (B)
13 Integral factor period (P+I control)*
Set to OFF for proportional control only
4 minutes
1 to 5 minutes or “OFF” to disable
14 Deadband (auto mode)
3°F (2°C)
2°F to 5°F (1°C to 3°C)
15 Progressive recovery
0 : Progressive recovery is disabled
1 : Progressive recovery is enabled
* The integral factor is used in the equipment control algorithm to maintain the space temperature at set point.
A short integral factor period will increase the number of cycles per hour. (A short integral factor period will be more
comfortable.) A long integral factor period will lower the number of cycles per hour. (A long integral factor period will
be more economical.)
System setting Setting range, default in bold
16 Low Balance Pt. (heat pump only)
System setting 05 must be enabled
20°F (–7°C)
1°F to 35°F (–17°C to 1°C) or “OFF” to disable
17 High Balance Pt. (heat pump only)
System setting 05 must be enabled
60°F (16°C)
40°F to 80°F (4°C to 27°C) or “OFF “ to disable
19 Program format
0 – 5/2 program (Weekdays and Weekends)
1 – 5/1/1 program (Weekdays, Sat. and Sun.)
20 Change air filter
1, 3, 6, 12 months or “OFF” to disable
21 Change water panel**
Set number of months until reminder is required
1 to 12 months or “OFF” to disable
22 Humidifier type**
0 : Flow through type humidifier (1 reminder per season)
1 : Drain-less type humidifier (2 reminders per season)
** If humidifier type is set to Drain-less, then the first reminder is based on the system setting 21, second reminder
will activate 3 months later. If humidifier type is set to Flow through, then the first reminder is based on system
setting 21, second reminder will activate 12 months later.