“can’t be opened because a file can’t
found” message 72, 96
compatibility with older Macintosh
programs 96
installing 67–69
memory problems 91
not installed with the Installer program
119, 122
opening 17
Power Macintosh “native”
applications 71–72
switching 70
won’t start or quit unexpectedly 91
arrow keys 155
arrow pointer
“freezes” and won’t move 23, 81–82,
93, 102
moving 15–16
Ask Apple Online Technical Support
service 105–106
At Ease 98
audio cables 50–57
audio CDs
adjusting volume control 48, 101
playing 76
troubleshooting 101–102
audio equipment, connecting 42–48
Audio File Access CD-ROM
extension 100
Audio In/Out ports (on video equipment)
51–53, 55–57
Audio In port (on stereo speakers) 47
audio input/output ports (on computer)
41, 42, 45, 51–53, 55–57
automatic startup/shutdown 20
A/V panel 42
backing up
files and disks 71
programs 68
Balloon Help 36
battery in computer’s clock, replacing 86
blinking question mark icon,
troubleshooting 86–87, 116
“bomb” icon/message, troubleshooting
81, 83, 92, 102
BOOTP bootstrapping protocol 65
brightness control on monitor 13,
85, 136
audio 45, 50–57
checking connections 85, 93
keyboard 2, 7–8
monitor 2, 6
mouse 7–8, 93
network 64
safety instructions for 135
SCSI 59–61, 62
stereo speaker 47
video 50–57
Caps Lock key 155
carpal tunnel syndrome 130
CD-ROM discs
can’t open a document on 100
damaged 100
ejecting 75
eject unexpectedly 100
icon doesn’t appear on desktop 99
inserting 68, 74
overview 73
playing audio CDs 76
problems using ISO 9660 or High
Sierra discs 101
removing scratches on 100
safety instructions for 138–139
saving changed information 100
starting At Ease from 98
“This is not a Macintosh disk: Do you
want to initialize it”
message 100
using Photo CDs 77
CD-ROM disc that contains system
software, starting the computer
from 110