
Chapter 7 Ongoing System Management 145
You can use the scutil command-line tool to set the local hostname and local
hostname. For more information, see the scutil man page.
Do not use the changeip command-line tool to change computer names, even though
the tool is still available.
To change computer name and local hostname:
Change the names in the Network pane of the Settings section for the server in Server m
From the command line:
sudo scutil --set ComputerName <newComputerName>
sudo scutil --set LocalHostName <newLocalHostName>
Administering Services
To work with a service on a server selected in the Servers list of Server Admin,
click the service in the list under the server. You can view information about a service
(logs, graphs, and so forth) and manage its settings.
The following is a sample service conī‚°guration pane in Server Admin.
To start or stop a service, select it and then click Start <service name> or Stop <service
name> in the bottom action bar.