
11068 Randall Street
Sun Valley, CA 91352, USA
Tel: 818-767-2929 • Fax: 818-767-2641
Improving the way the world sounds
The Compellor provides a clean consistent sound when used as
a pre-processor
Remote controllable relay hardwire bypass
Fader settings are less critical and the sound of the station will
not change from announcer to announcer
For television, level changes between programs and commercials
will be smoothed out without affecting audio quality
Servo balanced XLR in/outs for maximum audio quality
Cable television operators can offer consistency in level when a
customer switches between channels
Two channel Frequency Discriminate Leveler varies its attack time
Dynamic Verification Gate prevents pumping and breathing
during short program pauses
Dynamic Recovery Computer accelerates compressor recovery
under complex program to preserve natural sound on transients
Also available in mono with built in Aural Exciter - Model 323A
The Aural Exciter increases presence, clarity, speech intelligibility
and detail without distortion or overmodulation
By pre-processing the audio, compensation can be made for the
degradation the signal will receive further down the chain
Single-ended process that can be applied at any point in the
audio chain before the peak limiter, and needs no decoding
Total flexibility in tuning the Aural Exciter to your needs
Patented Harmonic Generation Process can actually increase
bandwidth without increasing level
Built-in single ended noise reduction can improve noisy sources
Spectral Phase Refractor circuitry improves bass without eq.
No unnatural distortion by-products
Servo balanced XLR inputs and outputs for maximum audio quality
Remote controllable relay hardwire bypass
The Dominator provides an absolute peak ceiling adjustable in
.2dB steps over a 34dB range. Equipment following the
Dominator (STL,telco lines, stereo generators, uplink transmitters,
etc.) may be driven to maximum input level without overload
Model 722 is for applications requiring pre-emphasized limiting,
such as STLs, cable systems, satellite uplinks
Greater consistency of peak audio levels, maximized S/N ratios,
and highest possible resolution (more bits) in the digital domain
Patented Automatic Limit Threshold varies ratio of bandlimiting
to clipping
Remote controllable relay hardwire bypass
Switchable low to mid and mid to high crossover frequencies
Servo balanced XLR ins and outs for maximum audio quality
Model 722 - switchable pre- and de-emphasis, 50/75µsec/flat
Model 720 - flat only 104dB Dynamic Range
The Model 720 is without emphasis circuitry at a lower cost
Aphex, Aural Exciter, Big Bottom, Compellor, Digicoder, Dominator, Easyrider and Expressor
are trademarks of Aphex Systems, Ltd. All Aphex Products are ETL listed or pending.
The Model 2020MkII contains the following proprietary circuitry: Four Band Wave Dependent Compressor,
Post Crossover Multiband Technique, Split Band Clipper, Parallel Path Digital Modulation Stereo Generator,
Phase Coherent Crossover, Drift Stabilized A/D Converter, Frequency Discriminate Leveler, Sticky Leveler,
Dynamic Verification Gate, Distributed Pre-Emphasis Filter, Split Band Optical High Frequency Limiter, Low
Distortion Overshoot Compensated Low Pass Filter.
The Model 2020/2020MkII, 320A/323A, 250, 720/722 are covered by one or more of the following patents:
4150253, 4578648, 4633501, 4843626, 4939471, 5115471, 5155769, 5334947, 5359665, 5422602,
5424488, 5450034, 5463695, 5483600, 5485077, 5612612, 5737432, 5848167, 5896458, 5898395 and
5930374. Other U.S. patents issued and/or pending.
For detailed specifications on these or any other Aphex products call, fax, e-mail or write us.
Aphex reserves the right to make changes to its products without prior notice. Rev:04-15-01 5k
Aural Exciter
1 x 4 Distribution Amp
APHEX 720/722
Loading an output with multiple devices may cause
noise, distortion and reliability problems. Y-cords and
splitters are not the solution, a high quality distribution
amp is. The Model 120A has one-input with four inde-
pendent outputs. The inputs and outputs are trans-
formerless and servo-balanced, allowing interface with
balanced or unbalanced equipment (or even a dead
short) without affecting the other outputs.
Interfacing a -10dBV unbalanced device with a +4dBu
balanced device must be done properly to avoid level mis-
matches, noise, and distortion problems. The Model 124A has
four discrete channels, two channels are -10dBV inputs to
+4dBu outputs and two channels are +4dBu inputs to -10dBV
outputs. The -10dBV outputs are active for low impedance
and the +4dBu inputs are transformerless servo-balanced,
allowing the interface to be transparent and problem free.
-10dBV/+4dBu Interface Box
Aphex is proudly American.... 100% owned,
engineered and manufactured in the U.S.A.