MX28B-1200 PRODUCT MANUAL Revision B
10 MX28B-1200/2400
4.5 AC Input Power
Each rectifier requires 208/220/240V ac, single-
phase, 50/60 Hz, supplied through an external 20-
amp two-pole breaker. A vertical wire channel at
the rear of the box frame provides terminal strips
for ac input power connection of each shelf.
Separate “Earth Ground” terminal bars are
provided for the connection of the safety ground
wires. A power entry box is provided at the top
and rear of the box frame where AC wiring
conduit can be attached. Refer to Figure 4-3.
4.6 Battery connections
Battery connections are made at the top rear of the
unit. The -48V and Battery Return buses each
provide four sets of threaded 3/8”-16 holes on 1
inch or 1 ¾ inch centers for connecting two-hole
battery cable lugs. Refer to Figure 4-3.
A battery disconnect breaker is required external
to this equipment. The power plant can monitor
auxiliary contacts from this breaker. Battery
temperature compensation is available. APC’s
master control unit, in conjunction with the
optional temperature monitor sensor cable, is used
to implement this function.
4.7 DC Distribution
A standard power distribution module within the power
box frame contains two 24-position plug-in circuit
breaker columns, providing -48V power for customer
loads. Each breaker column is connected at its center to
the -48V dc bus, with each side having an ampacity of
300A. Connections for the -48V dc loads are located
directly to the side of the corresponding breaker. A
typical load connection would utilize a #6 AWG wire
with a two-hole lug on 5/8-inch centers, attached with
standard #10-32 mounting screws.
The load return cables for each circuit breaker section
connect to a return bus directly opposite the circuit
breakers. These return buses contain patterns for 28
two-hole #10-32 lugs on 5/8-inch centers, and 14 two-
hole ¼”-20 lugs on a double-pattern of either 5/8-inch
or 1-inch centers. Figure 4-4 shows the power plant’s dc
AC entry and
vertical wiring
Circuit Breaker Positions
Load Returns (+) and
Facility Main Ground Bus
Figure 4-3 Power Entry Box and Battery
Figure 4-4 DC Distribution