APC Worldwide Customer Support
Customer support for this or any other APC product is available at no charge in any of
the following ways:
• Visit the APC Web site to access documents in the APC Knowledge Base and to
submit customer support requests.
– www.apc.com (Corporate Headquarters)
Connect to localized APC Web sites for specific countries, each of which
provides customer support information.
– www.apc.com/support/
Global support searching APC Knowledge Base and using e-support.
• Contact the
APC Customer Support Center by telephone or e-mail.
– Local, country-specific centers: go to www.apc.com/support/contact for
contact information.
For information on how to obtain local customer support, contact the APC
representative or other distributors from whom you purchased your APC product.
© 2009 APC by Schneider Electric. APC, the APC logo, InfraStruXure, Symmetra, and Smart-UPS are
owned by Schneider Electric Industries S.A.S., American Power Conversion Corporation, or their
affiliated companies. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.