12 Network Management Card
Quick Configuration
BOOTP. You can use an RFC951-compliant BOOTP server to
configure the TCP/IP settings the Management Card needs.
1. Enter the Management Card’s
MAC and IP addresses, the
subnet mask, and default gateway settings, and an optional
Bootup File Name in the
BOOTPTAB file of the BOOTP
2. When the Management Card reboots, the
BOOTP server
provides it with the
TCP/I P settings.
– If you specified a bootup file name, the Management
Card will attempt to transfer that file from a
FTP server residing on the BOOTP server. The
Management Card will assume all settings specified in
the bootup file.
– If you did not specify a bootup file name, the
Management Card can be configured remotely by using
Telnet or by using the Web interface: User Name and
Password are both
apc, by default.
See the Network Management Card Quality
Assurance slip for the
MAC address.
You must use the APC Management
Card Wizard or the
APC initialization
(*.ini) text-to-binary configuration
(*.cfg) conversion utility, i2c300, to
create the bootup file. To create a bootup
file, see the
BOOTP section in the
Management Card Addendum