Press ENTER at the > prompt on the Measure-UPS screen to display fresh
Item Description
Current ambient temperature of each attached probe, in
degrees Celsius.
Lo Limit
Setting for the low temperature Measure-UPS alarm.
Choose from 9.94 (the default), 14.02, 18.10, and 4.08
degrees Celsius.
Hi Limit
Setting for the high temperature Measure-UPS alarm.
Choose from 32.13 (the default), 45.90, 54.06, and
23.97 degrees Celsius.
Current percentage of relative humidity of each probe.
Lo Limit
Setting for the low humidity Measure-UPS alarm.
Choose from 20.1 (the default), 30.2, 40.3, and 10.0
percent relative humidity.
Hi Limit
Setting for the high humidity Measure-UPS alarm.
Choose from 80.0 (the default), 84.5, 90.1, and 70.0
percent relative humidity.
Firmware revision number of Measure-UPS.
Current Alarms
Status display of current Measure-UPS alarms, which
can include Lo Temp, High Temp, Lo RH, Hi RH, and
the four contact closures. The earlier sample screen
shows Hi Temp and Lo RH because the reported values
for these items exceed their respective alarm limits.