ADSL 4-Port Ethernet USB Wireless-G Router User Guide
ADSL 4-Port Ethernet USB Wireless-G Router User Guide Page 27 of 52
PPPoE is also known as RFC 2516. It is a method of encapsulating PPP packets over Ethernet.
PPP or Point-to-Point protocol is a method of establishing a network connection/session between
network hosts. It usually provides a mechanism of authenticating users.
To configure the gateway for PPPoE, click on Setup and then click on New Connection. The
default PPPoE connection setup is displayed. At the Type field select PPPoE and the PPPoE
connection setup page is displayed. Give your PPPoE connection a unique name; the name must
not have spaces and cannot begin with numbers. In this case the unique name is called PPPoE1.
Select the encapsulation type (LLC or VC); if you are not sure just use the default mode. Select
the VPI and VCI settings; your DSL service provider or your ISP will supply these; in this case
the DSL service provider is using 0,100. Also select the quality of service (QOS); leave the
default value if you are unsure or the ISP did not provide this information. See Fig 1-22
Following is a description of the different options:
1. Username: The username for the PPPoE access; this is provided by your DSL service
provider or your ISP.
2. Password: The password for the PPPoE access; this is provided by your DSL service
provider or your ISP.
3. On-Demand: Enables on-demand mode. The connection will disconnect if no activity is
detected after the specified idle timeout value.
4. Idle Timeout: Specifies that PPPoE connection should disconnect if the link has no activity
detected for n seconds. This field is used in conjunction with the On-Demand feature. To
ensure that the link is always active, enter a 0 in this field.
5. Keep Alive: When on-demand option is not enable, this value specifies the time to wait
without being connected to your provider before terminating the connection. To ensure that
the link is always active, enter a 0 in this field.
6. Set Route: Specify this connection as the default-route.
7. Enforce MTU: Check this box if you experience problems accessing the Internet over a
PPPoE connection. This feature will force all TCP traffic to conform with PPP MTU by
changing TCP Maximum Segment Size to PPP MTU.