
Installing the Rack Fan Temperature Controller (ACF601)
The Rack Fan Temperature Controller is designed to provide on/off and variable
speed fan control based on the ambient temperature of the unit. The unit features
two jumper selectable on/off set points, identified by an ’L’ (low) and ‘H’ (high) on the
unit’s circuit board.
1. Set the jumper on the unit to the appropriate position for your application.
Note: The On set point for the low setting is 80°F and is most appropriate for
equipment rooms or closets. The On set point for the high setting is 88°F and
is most appropriate for cabinets or other small enclosure applications. The
unit's Off set point is approximately 3 degrees lower than the On set point.
On the low setting, the fans will turn on at 80°F and turn off when the
temperature at the unit drops below 77°F. On the high setting, the fans will
turn on at 88°F and turn off when the temperature at the unit drops below
85°F. As the temperature increases, the fan speed will also increase in linear
progression. In the low setting, the fans will turn on at roughly 50% fan speed
when the temperature reaches 80°F and will reach full speed at 100°F. For
the high setting, the fans will turn on at 88°F and reach at full speed at 105°F.
These are fixed set points that cannot be modified.
2. Attach the provided bracket to the fan panel using the provided screw.
NetShelter AV Rack Cooling Installation 4