6739389EN/FB - Page 31
System information (continued)
Battery and adjustments
◗ no entry: not available;
◗ yes: available in this cubicle;
◗ bat: available in this cubicle if
battery installed;
◗ bat/opt: available if option
Inverter type:
◗ 0: unitary;
◗ 1: parallel without static switch;
◗ 2: parallel with static switch;
◗ 3: Static Switch cubicle.
Battery installed:
◗ 0 = no;
◗ 1 = yes.
Sensor installed:
◗ 0 = no;
◗ 1 = yes.
battery measurements units JBUS address type
hex. word unitary parallel SS
U battery V 1C0 yes yes
I battery A 1C1 bat bat
battery backup time mn 1C2 bat/opt bat/opt
battery room temperature °C 1C3 bat/opt bat/opt
battery adjustments units JBUS address type
hex. word unitary parallel SS
inverter type - 200 yes yes yes
battery installed - 201 yes yes
battery temperat. sensor - 202 yes yes
In (I rated load) A 208 yes yes yes
Pn (P rated load) kW 209 yes yes yes
rectifier-charger bit meaning JBUS type
information address
bit=0 bit=1 bit word unit. para. SS
B_Etat_QF1 open closed 400 40 bat bat
B_Etat_Dech_Bat not discharging discharging 401 bat bat
B_Etat_Ubat_Min not reached min. volt. fault 402 bat bat
B_Etat_Ubat_Aut not reached warning 403 bat bat
B_Etat_Tempe_Ht normal outside toleran. 404 bat bat
B_Etat_Res1_Ht not reached outside toleran. 405 bat bat
B_Etat_Vent_Bat no fault fault 406 yes yes
B_Etat_Cha_Bat not charging charging 407 bat bat
B_Etat_Pont off on 408 bat bat
B_Etat_Def_Maj_Cha no fault fault 409 yes yes
B_Etat_Q1 open closed 40E yes yes
B_Etat_Arr_Urg not activated activated 411 41 yes yes
B_Etat_U_Res1 normal outside toleran. 412 yes yes
B_Etat_F_Res1 normal outside toleran. 413 yes yes
B_Etat_Arr_Prog not activated activated 417 bat bat
B_Etat_Lim_Groupe not activated activated 419 bat bat
B_Etat_IBat_Aux not activated activated 41A bat bat
B_Etat_Egal_Bat not active active 41B bat bat
B_Etat_Groupe not activated activated 41E yes yes
Tables of binary data
◗ no entry: not available;
◗ yes: available in this cubicle;
◗ bat: available in this cubicle if
battery installed.