18 InfraStruXure System - Installation and Start-Up
Connect AC Power and Control Wiring
Electrical Hazard: Only Field Service Engineers or qualified personnel trained by APC
may connect the AC power and control wiring.
Connect AC power and control wiring to the UPS. There are five input wires and four output wires coiled
on the floor of the PDU. Each set of wires is labeled. The control wires for the UPS Maintenance Bypass
control board and the UPS EPO control board are also coiled in the PDU.
To make the connections, remove the rear lower panel of the UPS and the rear panel of the PDU. Use the
opening in the side panels of the enclosures to run the wires.
Connect AC power wiring.
Attach the input ground wire to the ground lug marked to the right of the input terminals.
Attach the input wires (L1, L2, L3, N) to the UPS input terminals with corresponding labels.
Attach the output wires (L1, L2, L3, N) to the UPS output terminals with corresponding labels.
Attach the outpu t wires (L1, L2, L3, N) t o the four UPS o utput terminal s with correspon ding labels.