If the UPS requires service, do not return it to the dealer! Follow these steps:
1. Review the problems discussed in the Messages chapter to eliminate common problems.
2. Verify that no circuit breakers are tripped. A tripped circuit breaker is the most common UPS problem!
3. If the problem persists, call customer service or visit the APC Internet Website at
• Note the model number of the UPS, the serial number, and the date purchased. A technician will ask
you to describe the problem and try to solve it over the phone, if possible. If this is not possible, the
technician will issue a Returned Material Authorization Number (RMA#).
• If the UPS is under warranty, repairs are free. If not, there is a repair charge.
4. Pack the UPS in its original packaging. If the original packing is not available, ask customer service about
obtaining a new set. Visit the APC web site at http://www.apc.com/support
for customer support
telephone numbers.
5. Pack the UPS properly to avoid damage in transit. Never use polystyrene beads for packaging. Damage
sustained in transit is not covered under warranty.
6. Mark the RMA# on the outside of the package.