
Section 5–Device Conguration ATC200-Lite Teletilt
Remote Control Downtilt System
5-4 May 2005 Bulletin 639510
Alternately, the suggested date may be erased and a new date entered, or the eld
may be left blank. When a date is entered, it must be formatted as shown in Figure
5-2 (A ‘forward slash’ character placed between the month and day and a ‘forward
slash’ character placed between the day and year). i.e., August 4, 2004 would be typed
as 08/04/04.
The installer’s ID must be 1 to 5 characters in length with any combination of letters
and numbers.
Values specied for the frequency band, sector, technology, location, and mechani-
cal tilt are used for reference only and have no direct affect upon the actuator/
antenna that is being congured.
8. Carefully review all selections. If satisfied that all are correct, click ‘Configure’.
Alternately, the user may go back and edit/change any of the selections made or click the
‘Cancel’ button to quit this process without making any changes to the actuator’s current
9. After the ‘Congure’ button has been activated, the user will be prompted to conrm the
desire to make these changes to the actuator. Click ‘Yes’ to proceed with the changes, or
click ‘No’ to return to the conguration screen (Figure 5-3).
When proceeding to make changes, the settings selected will be sent to the actuator. The
main screen will change the status of this device to ‘Conguring’ to indicate that new set-
tings are being sent to the actuator.
10. When the conguration process is complete, a pop-up dialog box will display the results.
Normally, the dialog box will show that the changes were successfully sent to the device
(Figure 5-4). However, if the conguration process was unable to communicate with the
actuator for any reason, a failure message will appear.
Figure 5-3. Choosing to Continue with Configuration Changes to the Device.
If satised with new
configuration data,
click ‘Yes’.
Click ‘OK’.
Figure 5-4. Confirmation of Configuration Changes to Device.