A. Environmental Considerations
1) Temperature
• Store your Anprolene gas refill kits in a cool, secure area. We recommend storage
below 72°F (22.2°C).
• The sterilizer must be used in an area where the temperature is not less than 68ºF
(20°C) or more than 91ºF (33°C). This temperature range must be maintained
during the entire sterilization cycle.
EO FACTS: At sea level, ethylene oxide is a liquid below 51
F (10.6.
Above 51
F, EO begins to boil and converts into a gas. EO does not become an
effective sterilant until 68
F (20
C) Make sure that the room where your
Anprolene sterilizer is installed remains above 68
F during the entire 12-hour
sterilization cycle. This is especially important during the winter months!
2) Humidity
• Humidity is very important to the Anprolene process. Relative Humidity (RH) must
be at least 35% in the room where item preparation and sterilization
take place.
Spores that might be on the instruments may become very dry and resistant to
Anprolene if the RH is below 35%.
• The simplest way to humidify items is to wash them.
• It is necessary to humidify items which cannot be washed by enclosing them in a
plastic bag with an Andersen Humidichip
or a damp sponge for four hours prior to
sterilization at a temperature greater than 68 ° F (20 ° C)
B. Preparing Items for Sterilization
Four basic steps must always be followed when preparing items for sterilization:
1) Disassemble
2) Wash
3) Dry
4) Wrap
1) Disassemble
Items containing removable parts, such as syringes, must be taken apart before wash-
ing, drying, and wrapping them to allow the Anprolene an unobstructed path.
WARNING!: Instruments which contain batteries should be taken apart and the
batteries removed and wrapped separately to protect against a spark occurring and
igniting the ethylene oxide gas.
2) Wash
Items must be washed surgically clean prior to sterilization. For cleaning, we recom-
mend using an enzymatic detergent such as Andersen’s Sterizyme (AN2281).