7.1. The cabinet ventilation pump and the sterilization liner bag purge pump have an ex-
pected life of 18,000 hours (this translates to approximately five cycles per week for five
years). During this time, the pumps are designed to pump at or above minimum required
volumes of exhaust air at up to 27 inches of water backpressure. The total number of hours
that the pumps have run is displayed on the Liquid Crystal Display at the beginning of each
sterilization cycle.
When the pumps have been in operation for more than 18,000 hours (approximately 1,300
sterilization cycles), it is recommended that the complete sterilizer unit be returned to the
factory for replacement and/or refurbishment of the pumps and associated tubing. Call
Andersen Products Customer Service for return authorization and pricing.
7.2. On a semi-annual basis, or every 1,800 hours of operation, the following mainte-
nance should be performed:
a. Check the quick connect fittings and the tubing that runs from inside the upper
right hand corner of the sterilizer cabinet to the purge tube.
b. All external tubing and tubing connections that are visible, and therefore
accessible to the operator, should be checked to make sure they are secure and that
there are no visible signs of degradation such as cracking or splitting.
c. Check the exhaust tubing connections at the back of the sterilizer and perform a
leak test as detailed in Appendix D, page 55 and following.
d. The filter media attached to the cooling fan in the rear of the top cabinet should be
removed, cleaned and reattached.
7.3 All exterior surfaces and the interior surfaces of the lower cabinet should be cleaned
using a cotton cloth and a mild soap and water solution. Do not use abrasive pads as this
may mar the finish of the stainless steel and plastic molded fittings.