ADCC0200 and ADCC0300
Running Tours
is a dynamic sequence of camera views, each of which appears on a selected
monitor screen for a specified
dwell time
, and each of which can have a pre-programmed
status, and
connect next
status. Tours are also referred to as
universal tours
To run a tour:
1. Select a monitor.
2. Enter the tour identification number using the numeric keys. The number entered
will appear on the right hand side of the top line of the LCD display.
3. Press the SEQUENCE (
) key.
4. The LCD display will show "Sequence
= n"
for approximately 5 seconds (where
is the tour identification number entered in step 2 above). Whilst the tour is
running, the monitor will show the cameras and views comprising the tour e.g.
C0023, C0012, C0003, C0023, V001, V124.
Note: when running a tour, information about the current camera is shown on the monitor
displaying the tour. Tour information is not shown on the keyboard LCD display.
Holding a Tour
A tour can be stopped and held on a single camera entry. While a tour is on hold, all
keyboard control actions (pan, tilt, lens adjustment, auxiliary on/off functions) can be
performed on the held camera.
To hold a tour:
1. Hold down the SHIFT (
) key and press the SEQUENCE ( ) key.
Restarting a Tour on Hold
To restart a held tour, press the SEQUENCE ( ) key. The tour will continue running from
the point at which it was previously held.
Stepping through a Tour
When a tour is held, the LAST ( ) and NEXT ( ) keys can be used to step through the
To step through a tour:
1. To step forward press the NEXT (
) key.
2. To step backward, press the LAST ( ) key.