
Kindle User’s Guide 64
Chapter 4 Searching on Kindle
Use the Next Page and Previous Page buttons if there are more results than fit on the Search
Results page.
To go to a specific location in the content where the search term occurs, use the 5-way to
underline the location and press the 5-way to select. If the search results encompass multiple
pages, then use the Next Page and Previous Page buttons to navigate between pages.
To close the Search Results, move the 5-way to highlight “Close Search Results” and press
the 5-way.
Search Results for a Definition
When you want to look up the meaning of a word, you can limit a search to the dictionary.
Kindle searches your default dictionary for definitions of the word you enter.
To find a definition, follow these steps:
1. Type in the word you want defined.
2. Navigate right with the 5-way to highlight “dictionary.”
3. Press the 5-way to submit your search.
You will see a complete definition of the word.