Chapter 7 · 107KINDLE USER’S GUIDE 4
Change Primary Dictionary — change the dictionary you are using for the built-in
Lookup function. This menu option is only present if you have at least one additional
dictionary loaded on your Kindle.
Update Your Kindle — installs the latest software for your Kindle. When an update is
loaded on your device, this menu option becomes available, otherwise it is grayed out.
Restart — restarts your Kindle.
Reset to Factory Defaults — resets your Kindle to its original factory settings.
You should only select this action if instructed to do so by Kindle Customer Service.
Legal — provides trademark, copyright, and other notices about the software installed
on your Kindle.
Sync & Check for Items — connects to Amazon.com to download any newly
available items and sync the furthest page read and annotations for all the books
on your device.
7.2 Experimental
The Experimental page is a place for you to try out and experiment with some of the
concepts we have under development. We encourage you to send us your feedback to
help us decide how to improve the concepts and whether or not you think we should
make them part of the Kindle product. To open Experimental, follow the steps below.
1. If you are not already on the Home screen, press the Home button.
2. Press the Menu button.
3. Move the 5-way down until “Experimental” is underlined and press the 5-way
to select.
4. Select the concept you would like to try.
To give us feedback on items on the Experimental page, send an e-mail to kindle-
feedback@amazon.com. We are really interested in hearing what you have to say, so
type as much as you want. Based on your feedback, we may add or remove content
from the Experimental page, so let your thoughts be known.