
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration
BreezeACCESS VL System Manual
The value configured for the Maximum Modulation Level parameter of the
Subscriber Unit
The Status of the Subscriber Unit. There are three options:
1 Associated
2 Authenticated
3 Not Authenticated (a temporary status)
The various status states are described below (this is a simplified
description of the association process without the effects of the Best AU
Table 4-4: Authentication and Association Process
Message Direction Status in AU
SU Status: Scanning
A Beacon with correct ESSID AUSU -
SU Status: Synchronized
Authentication Request SUAU Not authenticated
Authentication Successful AUSU Authenticated
SU Status: Authenticated
Association Request SUAU Authenticated
Association Successful AUSU Associated
SU Status: Associated
ACK SUAU Associated
Data Traffic SUAU Associated
The SNR of the SU measured at the AU
The RSSI of the SU measured at the AU
The Unit Name of the SU.
The SW version of the SU.
The Unit Type of the SU.