
NNeevveerr ffeeeedd tthhee bbllaaddee iinnttoo tthhee wwoorrkk ppiieeccee uunnttiill tthhee bbllaaddee
iiss aatt ffuullll ssppeeeedd.. IIff tthhee bbllaaddee iiss nnoott aatt ffuul
lll ssppeeeedd,, tthhee ssaaww mmaayy kkiicckk bbaacckk
ccaauussiinngg sseerriioouuss ppeerrssoonnaall iinnjjuurryy..
• Mark out the line to be cut so it is easily visible.
• Start inside the area to be cut out.
• Depress the lock-on button and press the trigger
to start the saw.
• Set the shoe against the work piece.
• When the blade reaches full speed, slowly feed the blade into the work piece.
NNeevveerr uussee ggaassoolliinnee oorr aannyy ffllaammmmaabbllee lliiqquuiidd aass aa
lluubbrriiccaanntt.. SSppaarrkkiinngg ffrroomm tthhee mmoottoorr mmaayy ccaauussee iitt ttoo i
iggnniittee iinnttoo ffllaammeess..
• When cutting metals other then copper, brass or aluminum, always use a lubri-
cant, such as cutting oil, to keep the blade cool. This will prolong the life of the
blade as well as speeding up the cutting process.
• Make sure the work piece is held securely in place. Hold smaller pieces, such as
pipe or conduit, in a vise or attach to the workbench with clamps.
• To eliminate vibration, always cut close to the clamping point.
• When cutting thin sheets of metal, place a piece of plywood on either side to control
vibration and prevent tearing.
AAllwwaayyss hhoolldd tthhee ssaaww iinn ffrroonntt ooff yyoouu aanndd aawwaayy ffrroomm yyoouurr bbooddyy.. KKeeeepp yyoouurr
hhaannddss aanndd ffeeeett wweellll aawwaayy ffrroomm
tthhee wwoorrkk ppiieeccee..
NNeevveerr ffeeeedd tthhee bbllaaddee iinnttoo tthhee wwoorrkk ppiieeccee uunnttiill tthhee bbllaaddee iiss aatt ffuullll ssppeeeedd..
IIff tthhee
bbllaaddee iiss nnoott aatt ffuullll ssppeeeedd,, tthhee ssaaww mmaayy kkiicckk bbaacckk ccaauussiinngg sseerriioouuss
ppeerrssoonnaall iinnjjuurryy..
UUssee pprrooppeerr bbllaad
dee ffoorr tthhee ppaarrttiiccuullaarr ccuuttttiinngg aapppplliiccaattiioonn..
• Put on eye protection.
• Clear the saw of any
foreign material.
• Make sure the work piece is held
securely in place. Hold smaller
pieces in a vise or attach to the
workbench with clamps.
• Mark out the line to be cut so it is easily visible.
• Pull the trigger to start the saw.
• Set the shoe against the work piece.
• When the blade reaches full speed, slowly feed the blade into the work piece.