Editing Effects: Chapter 7
The Effects Patches themselves are not edited in Program Edit Mode or Mix Edit
Mode, but (could you guess it?) Effects Edit Mode. You can enter Effects Edit Mode
from Program Mode by pressing the [EDIT SELECT] button twice, or until the display
looks something like this:
In Program Mode, each time the [EDIT SELECT] button is pressed the display will
alternate between Program Edit and Effects Edit Modes.
You can enter Effects Edit Mode from Mix Mode by pressing the [EDIT SELECT]
button three times, or until the display looks something like this:
In Mix Mode, each time the [EDIT SELECT] button is pressed the display will cycle
between Mix Edit, Program Edit and Effects Edit Modes.
The basic method of navigating through the displays in Effects Edit mode is similar to
that in Program Edit Mode and Mix Edit Mode.
• The [40] – [120] buttons are used to select an effect function (Configuration, EQ,
Mod, Lezlie, Pitch, Delay, Reverb, Overdrive and Mix).
• If a function has more than one page, the display will indicate the current page
number in the upper right corner. Use the [ PAGE] and [PAGE ] buttons to
scroll through a function’s pages.
• Use the [00] – [30] buttons to select which of the four effect sends you want to
edit (press [00] for send 1, [10] for send 2, etc.).
The important thing to understand is the hierarchy of the displays. Think of it as a
three dimensional game of Chess, where you can move among three different axes.
Each function has 1 or more pages. But, the number of pages a function has
available will differ when another effect send is selected (using the [00] – [30]
buttons). For example, if you are using Configuration #1 and trying to edit the Reverb
parameters, you would need to have effect send 1 selected, because that’s where the
Reverb is located. So, you not only have to be aware of how to select a function and
a page, but how to select the effect send as well.
Not all effects are available in each Configuration. For example, if you were to select
the Pitch function on effect send 4 in Configuration #1, the display would read, “(NOT
IN CONFIG).” This is because a Pitch module is available on sends 1, 2 and 3 in
Configuration #1, but not on send 4—as you can see in the chart on page 92.
QS7/QS8 Reference Manual 89