Channels Sent from the MasterControl to the Computer
The FireWire port sends every available individual MasterControl channel to the computer. This means
that, from the MasterControl, you can send a maximum of 26 channels: eight analog channels, 16 digital
channels over the ADAT connections, and two digital channels over
the coaxial S/PDIF connection. The number of available channels
will vary depending on (1) how you use the ADAT 2 / S/PDIF
connection and (2) the sampling rate you set.
Channels Received from the Computer into the MasterControl
The Firewire port receives 6 channels back from the computer—a
stereo audio stream for each of three channel pairs. From the
MasterControl, you can freely assign these three stereo pairs to any
of Output Sources A, B, and C as well as to Headphones 1 and 2.
If they are used, direct monitoring signals will be blended in with
these channels. Using the talkback mic will “take over” these
For more information on how these channels work and how to monitor them, refer to MONITORING &
Available Channels at Various Sample Rates
The number of inputs available to you drops as you move from the single sample rates up to the double
and then quadruple rates.
At single rates (44.1kHz and 48kHz), you can use:
8 analog channels (the MIC / LINE and LINE INPUTS)
2 coaxial S/PDIF channels (the RCA S/PDIF INPUT)
8 ADAT channels (the ADAT 1 INPUT)
8 ADAT channels or 2 optical S/PDIF channels (the ADAT 2 / S/PDIF INPUT)
At dual rates (88.2kHz and 96kHz), you can use:
8 analog channels (the MIC / LINE and LINE INPUTS)
2 coaxial S/PDIF channels (the RCA S/PDIF INPUT)
4 ADAT channels (the ADAT 1 INPUT)
2 optical S/PDIF channels (the ADAT 2 / S/PDIF INPUT)
At quad rates (176.4kHz and 192kHz), you can use:
8 analog channels (the MIC / LINE and LINE INPUTS)
All of the outputs—three stereo pairs, plus the two headphone outputs—are always available in all
sample rates.
All digital audio carried over
the FireWire connection is 24-
bit PCM data.
You can use either of the two
FireWire ports on the back of
the MasterControl. The other
port can be used to attach
another FireWire-based
computer peripheral, such as
an external hard drive.