Residents and Access (Continued):
The residents and all of their
details will be displayed on this
screen. Use the scroll bar to
move through the listing. You
can list the residents
alphabetically by clicking on
Correspondent name.
The Caretaker information
entered previously will be
displayed on this screen if “Is a
Resident” was checked during
You can assign a universal
access code for all residents.
Click the Universal Keypad
Code icon. A new window will
open and you can enter your
desired code here. This
keypad code will be valid at all
times until changed or deleted.
Each resident can have a
personal keypad code which
can either be valid at all times
or be Group/Period controlled.
Hide will show a check in the
box if you set the resident to be
Hidden in the Resident Details.
Prot. Will show a check in the box
if you set the resident to be
protected in the Resident Details.
Note: The Protect and Hide check boxes cannot be edited from this page. You must select the resident in question and select the
edit icon. This will open the Resident’s Details page and you can make your changes there.
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