Testing Performance
To verify digital channel threshold accuracy
To verify digital channel threshold accuracy
This test verifies the digital channel threshold accuracy specification of the
Agilent 54621D/22D Mixed-Signal Oscilloscope.
Threshold accuracy test limits= ±(100 mV + 3% of threshold setting)
When to Test You should perform this test every 24 months or after 4000
hours of operation, whichever comes first.
What to Test Use these instructions to test the threshold settings of digital
channels D7-D0. Then, use the same instructions to test digital channels
Verifying Test Results After each threshold test, record the voltage reading
in the Performance Test Record at the end of this chapter. To verify whether a
test pas ses, veri fy tha t the vol tag e read ing is wi thin the lim its in t he Pe rf or man ce
Test Record.
Table 3-2
Equipment Required to Test Threshold Accuracy
Test Threshold Accuracy only on the 54621D/22D Mixed-Signal Oscilloscope
You need to perform these instructions only if you will be testing the Agilent
54621D/22D Mixed-Signal Oscilloscope.
Equipment Critical Specifications Recommended Model/Part
Digital Multimeter 0.1 mV resolution, 0.005%
Agilent 34401A
Oscilloscope Calibrator DC offset voltage 6.3 V Fluke 5820A
BNC-Banana Cable Agilent 11001-60001
BNC Tee Agilent 1250-0781
BNC Cable Fluke 50
Ω cable, P/N 686318
BNC Test Connector, 8-by-2 User-built (See “Obtain a BNC
connector and an 8-by-2 section
of Berg strip.” on page 3-4.)
Test Fixture PV test fixture Agilent 01660-63801
Probe Cable Agilent 01650-61607
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