
30 GR-LEON4-ITX Development Board
Quick Start Guide
=> sf probe
=> sf erase 400000 200000
=> sf write 40200000 400000 $(filesize)
To see information about the downloaded image issue the command:
=> iminfo
It is also possible to update the u-boot image using GRMON. First interact with U-boot and
issue the commands:
=> sf probe 0
=> sf erase 400000 200000
Then the Linux image can be built with:
make ARCH=sparc CROSS_COMPILE=sparc-linux- UIMAGE_FLASHADDR=0x00400000 uImage
and loaded in GRMON via (note the .o suffix):
grmon> spim flash load arch/sparc/boot/uImage.o
© Aeroflex Gaisler AB June 2010, Rev. 0.2