Protect PV.500-MH Operating Instructions
68 of 68 80000043212 BAL
The default password set by the factory is: 1201.
In menus where switching operations are normally possible, block-
ing is indicated by a key.
8.3.6 Fault History
You can call up the "Fault history" menu from the "Main menu". A
data logger that records the inverter's fault history is integrated in
the inverter unit. You can display the 20 most recent faults as of
the current date or as of a specific date.
8.3.7 Settings
You can call up the "Settings" menu from the "Main menu". Here
you can set the following parameters in the submenus:
LCD contrast, Language, Real time and Acoustic signal gener-
ator for indicating faults and keyboard operation
8.3.8 Information
You can call up the "Information" menu from the "Main menu". Us-
ing this menu, you can call up information about the unit type, the
firmware versions and the available communication options.
8.3.9 Service
You can call up the password-protected "Service" menu from the
"Main menu". The password must be entered digit by digit and
then confirmed by pressing the ENTER key.
The default password set by the factory is: 1201.
Once the current password has been entered, you can select a
submenu where you can change the DOU password.
In the "Password" menu, you can set the password for block-
ing operation and for setting parameters. A range of 0000 to
9999 is possible.
Keep the password secure.
If you have forgotten the password, the DOU will need to
be reset at the customer's expense!
8.3.10 Help
You can call up the "Help" menu from the "Main menu" using the
"?" key. This enables you to look up the meaning of the keyboard