Setup Routing Criteria
Navigation Preferences allows you
to enable the simulation mode,
set the route calculation and
guidance options.
• Simulation On/O – When On, the NavMate software will “drive” the selected
route even though the vehicle is not moving. This can be used to preview a
route, or demonstrate the system to friends.
• Shortest time/distance – Determines if the NavMate software emphasizes nd-
ing the fastest or the shortest route.
• Avoid Freeway yes/no – Determines if the NavMate software avoids or uses
freeways in the route calculation.
• Toll Yes/No – Determines if the NavMate software uses toll roads in the calcu-
lated route.
• Auto Recalculation On/O – When On, the NavMate software will automatically
recalculate the route if the user deviates from current route.
• Voice Guidance On/O – When On, the system will provide audible guidance.
• Use Ferries – Creates a route using ferries when possible.
• Announcement Tone – Indicates an action such as a turn should be preformed
at the tone.
• Screen Tap Sound – Provides an audible tone when the screen is touched.