
PPC-A84T User's Manual
Quick Power On Self TQuick Power On Self T
Quick Power On Self TQuick Power On Self T
Quick Power On Self T
When enabled, allows the BIOS to bypass the extensive memory test.
The options are: Disabled (Default), Enabled.
Boot SequenceBoot Sequence
Boot SequenceBoot Sequence
Boot Sequence
Allows the system BIOS to first try to boot the operating system from the
selected disk drive.
The options are: A, C, SCSI; C, A, SCSI (default); LS120, C; C (only); SCSI,
C, A; SCSI, A,C; F, A, SCSI; E, A, SCSI; D, A, SCSI; CD-ROM, C, A; C,
Swap Floppy DriveSwap Floppy Drive
Swap Floppy DriveSwap Floppy Drive
Swap Floppy Drive
When enabled, allows you to switch the order in which the operating system
accesses the floppy drives during boot-up.
The options are: Disabled (Default), Enabled.
Boot Up Floppy SeekBoot Up Floppy Seek
Boot Up Floppy SeekBoot Up Floppy Seek
Boot Up Floppy Seek
When enabled, assigns the BIOS to perform floppy disk drive tests by issuing
seek commands. Note that such tests are time-consuming.
The options are: Enabled (Default), Disabled.
Boot Up NumLock StatusBoot Up NumLock Status
Boot Up NumLock StatusBoot Up NumLock Status
Boot Up NumLock Status
When set to "On", allows the BIOS to automatically enable the NumLock
function when the system boots up.
The options are: On (Default), Off.
Memory Parity CheckMemory Parity Check
Memory Parity CheckMemory Parity Check
Memory Parity Check
The options are: Disabled (Default), Enabled.
ypematic Rate Settingypematic Rate Setting
ypematic Rate Settingypematic Rate Setting
ypematic Rate Setting
The term typematic means that when a keyboard key is held down, the
character is repeatedly entered until the key is released. When this item is
enabled, you may change the typematic repeat rate.
The options are: Disabled (Default), Enabled.