Page: 21
display DTE speed
W1 Enable V.42 response
codes, display DCE speed
W2 Disable V.42 response codes,
display DCE speed
X0 Enable basic response
codes 0-4
X1 Do not detect dial tone and
busy signal
X2 Include dial tone detection
X3 Include busy detection
X4 Enable all response codes
Y0 Do Not send (and ignore)
break signal
Y1 Send break signal for 4
seconds before disconnect
Z0 Reset modem with SCP0
Z1 Reset modem with SCP1
&C0 Turn CD signal to always on
&C1 CD on at remote carrier
&D0 Alone with any of following
&Q0, &Q5, &Q6 then, DTR is
not functional.
Alone with any of following
&Q1, &Q4 then DTR drop
causes the modem hang up,
Auto-answer is not affected.
Alone with any of following
&Q2, &Q3 DTR drop causes
the modem to hang up, Auto-
Answer is inhibited
&D1 Alone with any of following
&Q0, &Q1, &Q4, &Q5, &Q6
DTR drop is interpreted by
the modem as if the asyn-
chronous escape sequence
had been entered. the
modem return to
asynchronous command
state without disconnecting.
Alone with any of following
&Q2, &Q3 DTR drop causes
the modem to hang up. Auto-
Answer is inhibited.
&D2 Alone with any of follo-wing
&Q0 through %Q6 then,
DTR drop causes the
modem to hang up Auto-
Answer is inhang.
&D3 Alone with any of following
&Q0, &Q1, &Q4, &Q5, &Q6
DTR drop causes the modem
to perform a softre-set as if
the z command were
received. The & Y setting
determines which profile is
Alone with any of following
&Q2, &Q3 DTR drop causes
the modem to hang up Auto-
Answer is inhibited.
Note: &D0 Ignore DTR & Ignore
dialing key-abort.
&F0 Restore factory default profile
FDP0 (as ECDC modem)
&F1 Restore factory default profile
FDP1 (as non-ECDC modem)
&G0 Disable guard tone
&G1 Disable guard tone (default
for us models)
&G2 Enable 1800 Hz guard tone
&Ln Leased line dial line operation
&L0 Dial-Up line operation
&L2 Leased line operation
&K0 Disable flow control
&K3 RTS/CTS flow control
&K4 XON/OFF flow control