
IPPC-9151 Series Users Manual 92
10.9 Frequency/Voltage Control
Run the Frequency/Voltage Control as follows:
1. Choose“Frequency/Voltage Control”from the Main Menu and a list
of options will appear.
2. Use one of the arrow keys to move between options and modify the
selected options by using PgUp / PgDn / + / - keys.
Auto Detect DIMM/PCI CLK
To reduce the occurrence of electromagnetic interference (EMI), the
BIOS detects the presence or absence of components in DIMM and PCI
slots and turns off system clock generator pulses against empty slots.
Spread Spectrum
When the system clock generator pulses, the extreme values of the pulse
generate excess EMI. Enabling pulse spectrum spread modulation
changes the extreme values from spikes to flat curves, thus reducing EMI.
This benefit may in some cases be outweighed by problems with timing-
critical devices, such as a clock-sensitive SCSI device.
10.10 Load Optimized Defaults
When you press <Enter> on this item, you will get a confirmation dialog
box with a message similar to:
“ Load Optimized Defaults (Y/N) ? N ”
“Y” is for “Yes”, and “N” is for “No”.
Pressing “Y” loads the BIOS default values that are factor settings for
optimal performance of system operations.
A uto D ect D IM M /P C I C lk Enabled Item H e lp
Spread Spectrum
Enabled Menu Level