
Chapter 4 CPC-2245N Main Borad 53
Table 4-14: PS/2 keyboard connector
PS/2 Keyboard CN4 PS/2 Keyboard CN4
Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal
1 KB_Data 31 KBDT 4 Vcc 29 KBVCC
2 NC - - 5 KBCLK 32 KBCK
3 GND 34 GND 6 NC - -
Table 4-15: PS/2 mouse connector
PS/2 Mouse CN4 PS/2 Mouse CN4
Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal
1 MDATA 30 MSDT 4 Vcc 29 KBVCC
2 NC - - 5 MCLK 33 MSCK
3 GND 34 GND 6 NC - -
4.10.4 Serial ports
The CPC-2245N offers two serial ports: COM1 and COM2, both in
RS- 232. These ports let you connect to serial devices (a mouse,
printers, etc.) or a communication network.
You can select the address for each port (For example, 3F8H
[COM1], 2F8H [COM2]) or disable it, using the BIOS Advanced
Setup program. Different devices implement the RS-232 standard in
different ways. If you are having problems with a serial device, be
sure to check the pin assignments for the connector.
The IRQ and address range for both ports are fixed. However, if
you wish to disable the port or change these parameters later, you
can do this in the system BIOS setup. The table below shows the
settings for the CPC-2245N board's ports: