
Using Standard Elements Enterprise Communications Server
114 Copyright © 2009 ADTRAN, Inc. 619510003-1A
Enable the Stop when key pressed button to stop the message when the caller presses a key.
Enable the Play entire message button to make sure that the caller listens to the message in its entirety.
To record an announcement for a Play Announcement element
1. On the Play Announcement element, select the record button.
2. In the Select Announcement dialog box, type a name for the announcement that you want to record.
3. Select Select to start the Audio Editor.
4. Select the record button and the Record Audio dialog box opens.
5. Select at the beginning from the Insert new audio list.
6. Select the icon for the computer audio device. The icon is enclosed by a dotted line.
7. Select the record button and then record the message. As you record, the clock runs and the red record
button turns grey.
8. Select the stop button when you are finished.
9. Select OK to keep the announcement.
10. Select File > Update.
To play a greeting from a mailbox using a Play Announcement element
1. On the Play Announcement element, select the Value Selector arrow on the Play box.
2. Select Greetings > Called Extension. If you specify [Called Extension], the greeting is fetched from
the user profile in the user context.
To enable the Play status message mode for greetings
On the Play Announcement element, enable the Play status message button.
To play temporary recordings
On the Play Announcement element, select the Value Selector arrow, select Temporary Recordings, and
select one of the ten temporary recordings available. You must use the Record Announcement element in
the service in order for a caller to record the audio to a temporary file.
Menu element
The Menu element allows you to make an announcement and then direct the call flow based on the DTMF
input received when a caller presses a number on the telephone keypad.
This element can play an announcement, database value, greeting, or temporary recording before it takes
Make sure that the Play status message mode is enabled on a corresponding voicemail
element (refer to Voicemail element on page 118).