Chapter 1. Introduction
Express XR/XRT Quick Start Guide 61200.0153L1-13
Before getting started, review the section Minimum Requirements
in this chapter to ensure your computer is compatible. In
addition, examine the contents of the box to ensure everything
has been received undamaged and gather the required setup
information provided by your telephone company.
What You Provide
In order to operate the Express XR/XRT the following is re-
• A computer (386 or higher PC, or Macintosh)
• Windows 3.1 or higher for PC
• 16550 UART high speed serial port (16650 UART required for
data speed of 230.4 kbps)
• RS-232 serial cable with a DB-25 connector for the Express XR/
XRT and the other end matching the COM port on the com-
puter (Do not use a null modem cable)
• One Basic Rate ISDN line (Two ISDN phone numbers, some-
times referred to as local directory numbers)
Single ISDN phone number and point-to-point lines are not recom-
mended for use with the XRT.
Basic Rate ISDN Line
When ordering your ISDN line from the telephone company,
request EZ-ISDN 1 (Capability Package U) to ensure it is set up
properly. EZ-ISDN 1 is recommended by the industry for most
home office/small business applications. If EZ-ISDN is not
available from your service provider order Generic Data M. For
more information regarding ordering ISDN, see the ADTRAN
document Ordering ISDN Service User Guide part number
60000.015-8, or contact the telephone company for alternative
line configurations. The Ordering ISDN Service User Guide is
available on the ADTRAN home page at http://www.adtran.com
(under the Information Desk) or by calling ADTRAN.