Photoshop CS3
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Scripting Guide Scripting Photoshop CS3 37
Note: Unlike object references in JavaScript or VBScript, AppleScript object reference names do not
remain constant. Refer to an AppleScript language guide or text book for information on
referencing a file using either
as alias or to a reference to file.
Layers("Layer 3").Select
layers["Layer 3"].select() //using the collection name and square brackets for the
Working with Layer Set Objects
Existing layers can be moved into layer sets. The following examples show how to create a Layer Set
object, duplicate an existing
ArtLayer object, and move the duplicate object into the layer set.
set current document to document "My Document"
set layerSetRef to make new layer set at end of current document
set newLayer to duplicate layer "Layer 1" of current document ¬
to end of current document
move newLayer to end of layerSetRef
In AppleScript, you can also duplicate a layer directly into the destination layer set.
set current document to document "My Document"
set layerSetRef to make new layer set at end of current document
duplicate layer "Layer 1" of current document to end of layerSetRef
In VBScript you can duplicate and place the layer with the same method.
Dim appRef, docRef
Set appRef = CreateObject("Photoshop.Application")
'Make a new document and a first layer in the document
Set docRef = appRef.Documents.Add()
Set layerSetRef = docRef.LayerSets.Add()
Set layerRef = docRef.ArtLayers(1).Duplicate(layerSetRef, 2)
In JavaScript you can place the layer during the duplication method.
// create a document and an initial layer
var docRef = app.documents.add()
var layerSetRef = docRef.layerSets.add()
var layerRef = docRef.artLayers[0].duplicate(layerSetRef,