AMASS Overview
6-00026-01 Rev A Glossary GL-5
File System Database
The File System Database contains tables
of attributes—or metadata—representing
the directory structure and media
mounted under the AMASS file system.
The metadata includes: media ID, media
type, media location, ownership, and
timestamp. The File System Database
tells AMASS where data is located on the
media archived in your library. The
default location in UNIX is in
/usr/filesysdb. See also inode and
Graphical User Interface. The human
juncture between an end user and a
software product. It contains a series of
pictorial menus that lead a user in a task
accomplished usually with a mouse,
instead of a keyboard.
Hierarchical Storage Management. A
data management strategy where data is
migrated to storage in either a layered or
serial method based on a set of policies.
A paradigm that often controls this
migration is frequency of access. For
example, the least frequently accessed
files are first migrated onto fast magnetic
tape which are later stored on slower
optical platters. The goal for
implementing an HSM strategy is to
provide clients with increased space on
existing disk drives. See also DataMgr™
and FileServ™.
A programming structure that maps
metadata to the “real” data found on
media. See also DataMgr™ and
IP address
Central to TCP/IP communication is the
IP address that allows devices to talk to
each other. The IP address is a device’s
logical network address consisting of a
four-byte number separated by full stops,
such as