© Adam Equipment Company 2004
• If the current tare reading is within a small range of the initial no-load
value established at switch on, the zero-indicator will be displayed and
the scale will still have the maximum capacity available for weighing,
before an overload condition is displayed.
• If however, the current reading is greater than this small range,
indicating that a weight is present, the scale will tare. The weight value
will still be displayed as zero, but will show the tare-indicator instead of
the zero-indicator, and the additional capacity will be reduced by the
amount of weight on the scale when it was last tared.
• If the scale is unable to obtain a stable weight value during the taring
process after a number of retries, it will display an error message
then abort the tare attempt and return to weighing.
• Whenever the scale is subsequently displaying a zero value, either the
zero or the tare indicator will be displayed.
• Whenever a weight is put on to the scale the zero, tare and stable
symbols will all turn off. When the reading has stabilised, the stable
symbol will turn on. The selected unit symbol will be on at all times
during the normal weighing.
• The desired weighing units may be selected by pressing the [Units] key
(display shows ) and then releasing it. The display will select each
of the available units of weight in turn, indicating the currently-selected
units and the current weight value in the new units.
• The available units are set in the user set-up function as described
NOTE: If there is sufficient weight on the scale to cause the display to go out of range
when an alternative unit is selected, an
error message will be displayed. If this
occurs, the load should be removed, or the [Units] key should be pressed and
released to select the next alternative unit.