8 | P a g e © Adam Equipment Company 2011
The keypad has the following keys to operate the balance.
Keys Primary function Secondary function
To turn the balance to ON or Standby -
] or [Esc] A combined zero and tare function To escape from setup functions
and modes
[Unit] /
-Selects weighing units by cycling
through a set of enabled units
-Scrolls through the options
To decrement or change a
displayed value or scroll through
options backwards
[Mode] /
[move right]
Enters the Mode Selection Menu To advance a flashing digit by one
position to the right.
To go back by one step during
setup functions
[Print] /
[move left]
Instructs the balance to print data To advance a flashing digit by one
position to the left
[Cal] /
or [Up]
Starts the calibration function
To increase or change a displayed
value or scroll through options
or [Enter]
Enters the Setup parameters
(Supervisor Menus)
Enters a function or saves a value
while manually entering unit
weight or check weighing limits