15-2 Acknowledge Code and Error Codes
When the “AK, Error code (erCd)” parameter of “Serial interface ( 5if )” is set to “1”, the balance
outputs <AK> code or an error code for each command as follows:
<AK> (06h) Acknowledge in ASCII code.
When the balance receives a command to request data and can not process it, the balance
transmits an error code (EC, Exx).
When the balance receives a command to request data and can process it, the balance
outputs the data.
When the balance receives a command to control the balance and can not process it, the
balance transmits an error code (EC, Exx).
When the balance receives a command to control the balance and can process it, the balance
transmits the acknowledge code.
Among commands to control the balance, the following transmit the acknowledge code both
when the balance receives the command and when the balance has accomplished the
command. If the command can not be processed properly, the balance transmits an error code
(EC, Exx). This error can be released using the CAL command.
CAL command (Calibration command) ON command (Display ON command)
P command (Display ON/OFF command) R command (RE-ZERO command)
R command example